How to get involved

  • Thanks to BAFTA albert, we know how much pollution our industry creates. Our emissions mostly come from the way we travel, the energy we consume and the materials we use. The good news is, we all have power to reduce this pollution. The Film & TV industry is watched across the world, so we have a big part to play in demonstrating how a cleaner, healthier society can work. See our one-page guide below to get started.

    This campaign has only been possible with the collective support of our entertainment union. So as a first step, we highly recommend joining Equity. We’re stronger together!

  • A good agent works tirelessly to get the best deal for their client.

    Traditionally, this has meant having to push for perks like oversized trailers, short-haul flights instead of trains, or ‘no car-share’ policies. Unfortunately, we know these cause long-term harm to the world we all depend on.

    We invite agents to collaborate with us & Equity on a culture shift across the profession, so that acting in the client's best interests means getting more money in their pockets and creating a safer, fairer world.

  • Making content sustainably takes planning and participation from every department. We appreciate how hard
    producers work to make great TV & film, and how many are already using BAFTA albert’s tools.

    We want to help! That’s why we are trialing the Equity Green Rider on 5 BBC and Sky productions and 3 short
    films - to prove embedding green practice from the outset makes for healthier, happier sets. Findings from the
    pilot scheme will be published in Summer 2024.

    Interested in taking part? Download our pilot guidelines below or get in touch.

The big 4

Thanks to research by BAFTA albert, we know these are the areas where actors can have the biggest impact.

In recent times, the Me Too movement has transformed how our industry deals with intimacy. Our resourceful response to Covid has proven we can make rapid change when we work together.

It's time to take this same bold action for our climate and nature.

  • What’s being done?

    Many broadcasters have already made strong climate commitments. Actors can help turn these into reality by using their influence for good, both within and beyond the industry.

    How you can help:

    Ask to talk to the Sustainability lead when you get a job, and say you want to help them however possible.

    Offer to:

    - Join the production's Green Working Group if there is one

    - Communicate to the other actors what improvements are being done on set and how they can help

    - Do bonus content & social media promoting the production's climate actions, to show the rest of the world the progress we’re making.

  • What’s being done:

    This is usually a production's biggest source of pollution.

    Some productions are making huge progress, using electric cars where possible and recycling vegetable oil into fuel (also known as HVO).

    What you can do:

    Tell your agent you're up for ridesharing! Avoiding single-use car journeys hugely reduces pollution.

    Take public transport when it feels ok for you, and take trains over planes in the UK & Europe.

  • What’s being done?

    Some productions are already working hard to get more efficient energy from the grid and using HVO.

    Runners are told to keep actors' trailers hot in the winter and cold in the summer. Sometimes this means our trailers are constantly pumping out heat or aircon - even overnight!

    How you can help:

    Switch off your heating or aircon when you're not using it.

    And tell the ADs you're switching off so they don't have to worry about it :)

  • What’s being done?

    Meat, particularly red meat, is significantly more polluting than other options. For example, a portion of beef comes with 9 times more carbon than chicken!

    Many productions are already offering delicious plant-based meals that are healthier for people & planet, as well as operating a pre-ordering system to minimise food waste.

    How you can help?

    Order plant-based or veggie. If they don't have many options, ask the caterer for more veggie dishes.

    Every meal order on set is recorded. The more we order veggie, the more we signal demand for meat-free options.

    Eating plant-rich meals reduces our impact on deforestation and our satured fat intake. Win-win!